How Regular Heating Tune-Ups Will Prevent the Breakdown of Your Furnace

A lot goes into being a homeowner in Wichita, including the maintenance of your heating system. A heating tune-up performed by a licensed heating and air conditioning contractor is part of this maintenance, and annual tune-ups can help you avoid the premature failure of your furnace.
The Importance of Heating Tune-Ups
Heating tune-ups are considered essential maintenance tasks by qualified air conditioning and heating experts because they improve the overall operation of your heating system and increase the longevity of your furnace. Your furnace will age gradually and become less efficient, but regular tune-ups will allow your HVAC technician to perform repairs and replacements as needed to ensure proper function. A well-maintained furnace can last up to 18 years. Additionally, routine heating tune-ups will keep your home at a comfortable temperature and your energy costs low.
What Will Your HVAC Technician Do During a Heating Tune-Up?
- Replace the Filter – If you haven't changed your furnace filter in the past three months, your HVAC contractor will replace it during a heating tune-up. Fresh, new filters will ensure that your heating system is energy efficient, reducing energy bills and promoting good air circulation. If you're using your furnace constantly, aim to change the filter every month.
- Perform a Carbon Monoxide Test – Gas furnace operation involves combustion, and this process creates carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas. Carbon monoxide concentrations can rise to levels that are unsafe, so HVAC technicians will likely suggest that homeowners purchase carbon monoxide detectors and install them near their furnaces.
- Check the Gas Pressure – During a tune-up, your heating and air conditioning contractor will make sure that your furnace's gas pressure matches the guidelines in the manufacturer's manual. Gas pressure can change if you don't use your furnace for several months, so it's important that the pressure is checked prior to frequent use.
- Lubricate Heating Components – A thorough heating tune-up will involve the lubrication of all of the moving furnace components to ensure proper operation and to reduce friction in your heating system.
Schedule Your Next Heating Tune-Up
If you've been putting off a heating tune-up all year, don't delay it any longer. Reach out to the heating and air conditioning professionals at Ball Heating and Air Conditioning to schedule a heating tune-up for your Wichita home.