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Geothermal Heat Pumps In Wichita

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal systems take advantage of the fact that underground temperatures are usually kept around 50-55° F at all times. Geothermal heat pumps extract these temperatures from the ground to help heat your home in the winter, or to help you cool your home during the summer months. Not only are geothermal heat pumps environmentally friendly, but they're also extremely energy efficient.

Having a geothermal heat pump installed at your Wichita home can save you up to 60% on your energy costs, and the heating services at Ball Heating and Air Conditioning can help.

As geothermal experts, our Wichita HVAC Company can help you evaluate the heating and cooling needs that you have for your home and decide whether or not a geothermal system would be beneficial to you. Then we can install your geothermal heat pump and ensure that it works as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Benefits of Geothermal Systems

  • Lower Costs - The most energy efficient gas furnaces have energy efficiency ratings of around 94%. Geothermal heat pumps, on the other hand, have efficiency ratings of 400%. Because these systems work by transferring heat from the ground instead of by burning some type of fuel, they produce much more heat while using much less energy.
  • Quiet Operation - Geothermal systems require no outdoor unit, so they run very smoothly and very quietly. And because no part of the system is outdoors where it could be damaged by weather, geothermal systems are very reliable.
  • Environmentally Friendly - There is no more environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your Wichita home than using a geothermal system. Geothermal systems do not emit carbon dioxide or any other harmful gases. They also have a low demand for electricity which helps reduce peak grid demand and the need for more electricity generation.
  • Clean and Safe - Because no combustion occurs within a geothermal system, there is no chance of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Low Life Cycle Cost - Geothermal systems can last for longer than 15 years—on the other hand, furnaces usually last for about 7-10 years, though they can last longer with proper maintenance. The “ground loop” of your geothermal system is made of polypropylene pipe, the same pipe used in city gas lines, and they have a warranty of 50 years
  • Positive Cash Flow - Geothermal systems should be considered an investment. In a short period of time, you'll see energy savings that will make up for the cost of the installation. Over time, geothermal systems will produce energy savings that will equal and exceed their original costs.

How Geothermal Heat Pumps Work

Geothermal systems use technology called "ground source heat pumps" to make the transfer of hot or cold air more efficient. They extract the temperatures that are in-ground around your Wichita home, and they can heat or cool your home with 40-60% less energy than any other heating and cooling systems.

Geothermal Heat Pump Tips

Benefits Of Geothermal Heat Pumps

Many Wichita homes can benefit from geothermal heat pumps. Since there are different types of geothermal heat pump systems, there are differences in how much energy can be saved. For instance, some models come with two-speed compressors and variable fans. This system is known to provide […]

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If you’re looking for a geothermal system in Wichita, call Ball Heating and Air Conditioning at 316-733-4670 or complete our online request form.